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Beauté Pacifique


Sale price€15.00
  • Prompts correction of an imperfect skin surface
  • Adds a visible glow-effect to your make-up
  • Helps the make-up to camouflage uneven pigmentation
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SUBMERSIVE SERUM PARADOXE | Grape seed oil serum, 5ml

Beauté Pacifique Submersive Serum Paradoxe is based on new medical discoveries - Chilean Grape Seed Extract (GSPE). This particular grape variety grows on the slopes of the Andes mountains, where there is tremendous UV radiation. During evolution, these grapes were able to adapt and ensure the survival of their genes. They have developed a unique defense against harmful free radicals. The defense system is based on 2 active "anti-oxidative" components - Resveratrol and Procyanidin.

By combining the same active substances with natural Squalane, our serum is able to penetrate deep into the human skin and provide protection from free radicals - created both from UV rays and from the aging process. As a result, skin cells are regenerated and skin redness, such as the visual manifestations of Rosacea, is very effectively reduced.

Beauté Pacifique Submersive Serum Paradoxe is also a new "first step" to a great royal "Make-up" that perfectly minimizes pores and smoothes the skin's surface, increasing the cosmetic's ability to hide uneven skin tone and pigmentation.

Dermatologically tested * Not tested on animals * Does not contain animal ingredients * Does not contain parabens * Does not contain fragrances

1. Squalane | An oil that occurs naturally in human skin and is an important component of the lipid system. This oil has a very high absorption capacity. The nanometer droplets of squalane act as efficient “transporters” of vitamin A and other oil-soluble active ingredients. Young and healthy skin contains a large amount of squalane, but it rapidly decreases with age. Because of this, squalane is perfectly absorbed into sun-damaged and aged skin. Lack of squalane in the skin can cause premature aging, very dry skin and loss of elasticity. Areas of skin that are frequently exposed to the sun's rays, which are constantly exposed, dry and prematurely aged, such as hands, elbows, heels, knees, etc., become incredibly soft and supple as soon as squalane oil is applied.

Key ingredients and their benefits

2. Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil | a special Chilean grape variety oil that contains a certain amount of Resveratrol and a significant amount of Procyanidin. Comprehensive medical documentation proves that both Resveratrol and Procyanidin can delay aging and prolong the life of cells - and therefore this product keeps the skin young and healthy for longer.

3. Tocopheryl Acetate | Tocopheryl acetate is a form of vitamin E that plays an important role in protecting both the skin and the products themselves from harmful free radicals.

4. Tocopherol | Another source of vitamin E, which plays an important role in protecting both skin and products from the damaging effects of free radicals, it acts as a natural moisturizer and can reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 7 reviews

      Ļoti noder manai rozācijas skartajai sejas ādai. Rudens/ziemas periodam lielisks! Padara ļoti mīkstu, samtainu sejas ādu.

      Maija Strangate
      Serums veselīgas ādas izskatam

      Iegādājos Paradox serumu sejas ādai jau 3.reizi. Lietoju to dažas reizes nedēļā. Eļļa ļoti ātri iesūcas ādā un rada sajūtu, ka sejas āda tiek pabarota🤗 (manā gadījumā arī samazina apsārtumu). Patīkama, veselīgas ādas sajūta saglabājas ilgu laiku. Pietiek ar 2 pilieniem, un āda kļūst gluda un samtaina.
      Iegādājos mazo 5ml tilpumu - tā gan ekonomiski, gan ērti un arī drošāk (viena no stikla pudelītēm netīšām izslīdēja no rokām un saplīsa...bija žēl). Iesaku šo produktu, kas dod patīkamu sajūtu un arī aizsargā sejas ādu.

      Svetlana Rendeniece
      Serum Paradoxe

      Ļoti labs serums.

      Elīna Bekere

      Serums dara brīnumus un ārkārtīgi labi baro sejas ādu - tā nekad nav jutusies tik mirdzoši un labi 😊 ļoti iesaku! Nav taukains, bet viegls!

      Evija T.

      Ļoti labs produkts. Āda burtiski apēd serumu.

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